INDEX TO PICTURES (By Stratigraphic Unit)
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Map of Midcontinent Pennsylvanian paleogeography (Text-Figure 1)
Stratigraphic classification of Altamont Formation in Missouri (Text-Figure 2a)
Subdivisions in Bandera and Altamont Formations at I-170 (Text-Figure 2b)
Summary interpretation of stratigraphic units (Table 1)
Panorama of the I-170 Pennsylvanian exposure in St. Louis, Missouri (108)
Traffic on I-170, with Worland Limestone in background (111)
Aerial photograph of the I-170 Pennsylvanian exposure in St. Louis, Missouri (100)
Rockfall of Worland Limestone along I-170 in St. Louis, Missouri (112)
Compactional microfaulting in shale below Worland Limestone (1)
Samples showing compactional slickensides (43)
Punch bowl filled with phosphate nodules from various units at I-170 exposure (75)Bandera Formation
Varicolored claystone unit
Barry Sutton and Norm King studying the varicolored claystone (18)
Varicolored claystone-whole section (17)
Pedoturbation in varicolored claystone unit (15)
Rhizomorphs in yellow and gray portion of varicolored claystone (29a)
Close-up of rhizomorphs in yellow and gray portion of varicolored claystone (29b)
Rhizomorphs in maroon portion of varicolored claystone (37)
Close-up of rhizomorphs with drab haloes in maroon portion of varicolored claystone (37a)
Peds in paleosol at top of varicolored claystone unit (104)
Rhizocretions of iron oxide near top of varicolored claystone (113)Mulberry Member
Iron oxide layer at base of Mulberry Member (12a)
Close-up of iron oxide layer at base of Mulberry Member (12b)
Upper part of varicolored claystone to base of Worland Limestone (31)
Phosphate nodules impressed into top of coal in Mulberry Member (25)
Undulatory base of Mulberry Member, Bandera Formation (97)
Coaly laminae in Mulberry Member, Bandera Formation (98)
Labeled units at Mulberry Member exposure, Bandera Formation (98a)
Variety of lithologies in Mulberry Member (99)
Slab of bioclastic limestone lens from base of Mulberry Member (150)
Shale clasts at base of Mulberry Member (27)
Detail of impure coal from Mulberry Member (19)
Greenish gray claystone in Mulberry Member, Bandera Formation (122)
Conglomerate and limestone unit
Various kinds of clasts in conglomerate and limestone unit (3)
Limestone clast from conglomerate and limestone unit (34)
Slab of micritic algal fragment limestone, conglomerate and limestone unit (6a)
Close-up of slab of micritic algal fragment limestone, conglomerate and limestone unit (6b)
Algal limestone resting on top of Mulberry Member, Bandera Formation (118)
Slab of algal limestone resting on top of Mulberry Member, Bandera Formation (119)
Polished slab of phylloid algal limestone (157)
Modern Halimeda from the Bahamas (50)
Lithoclastic limestone near base of conglomerate and limestone unit (102)
Close-up of lithoclastic limestone near base of conglomerate and limestone unit (103)
Slab of algal limestone from conglomerate and limestone unit (70a)
Close-up of slab of algal limestone from conglomerate and limestone unit (70b)
Thin section of limestone clast, conglomerate and limestone unit (156)
Huge clast of micritic algal fragment limestone, conglomerate and limestone unit (120)
Slab of lithoclastic limestone from conglomerate and limestone unit (145a)
Close-up of slab of lithoclastic limestone from conglomerate and limestone unit (145b)
Undulatory algal fragment limestone in conglomerate and limestone unit (5)
Undulatory algal fragment limestone slab from conglomerate and limestone unit (88)
Close-up undulatory algal fragment limestone slab from conglomerate and limestone unit (88a)
Scour structure (labeled) in conglomerate and limestone unit (123)
Slab of lithoclastic limestone at base of scour structure in conglomerate and limestone unit (114)
Types of shell hash limestone (labeled) in conglomerate and limestone unit (106)
Close-up of micritic shell hash limestone with chiton, conglomerate and limestone unit (107)
Slab of clayey shell hash limestone from conglomerate and limestone unit (9a)
Close-up of slab of clayey shell hash limestone from conglomerate and limestone unit (9b)
Clayey shell hash limestone in water (8)
Maroon and dark gray claystone pebbles in conglomerate and limestone unit (101)
Claystone boulders in conglomerate and limestone unit (121)
Limestone lenses below karstic passages in Worland Limestone altered to tripoli (105)
Close-up of silicified limestone (tripoli) below karstic passage in Worland Limestone (69)
Pieces of silicified limestone (tripoli) from conglomerate and limestone unit (79)
Shale squeezed up into karst passage at base of Worland Limestone (151)
Altamont Formation
Lake Neosho Shale Member
Microfractures in calcareous shale subunit of Lake Neosho Shale (116)
Fossils in calcareous shale subunit of Lake Neosho Shale (22)Outcrop of Lake Neosho Shale Member of Altamont Formation (149)
Labeled subunits in Lake Neosho Shale (149a)
Cross bedding in calcareous shale subunit of Lake Neosho Shale (110)
Contact between calcareous shale and blocky claystone subunits in Lake Neosho Shale (117)
Slab from calcareous shale subunit of Lake Neosho Shale (146)
Close-up of contact between calcareous shale and blocky claystone, Lake Neosho Shale (115)
Clay-ironstone concretion in blocky claystone subunit, Lake Neosho Shale (124)
Close-up of clay-ironstone concretion in blocky claystone subunit, Lake Neosho Shale (125)
Phosphatic shale and adjacent subunits of Lake Neosho Shale (127)
Phosphatic shale and bioclastic shale subunits, Lake Neosho Shale (126)
Forms of phosphate in Lake Neosho Shale (128)Skeletal limestone lenses filling scours within Lake Neosho Shale (153)
Fossils in bioclastic shale subunit of Lake Neosho Shale (129)
Oblique transported phosphate nodule in bioclastic shale subunit of Lake Neosho Shale (130)
Edgewise phosphate nodule on ragged erosion surface in Lake Neosho Shale (132)
Lake Neosho Shale grading upward into Worland Limestone (131)
Slab of transition zone from Lake Neosho Shale to Worland Limestone (147a)
Close-up of slab of transition zone from Lake Neosho Shale to Worland Limestone (147b)Worland Limestone Member
The Worland Limestone exposed along I-170 in St. Louis, Missouri (158)
Labeled subunits in Worland Limestone (74)
Fossils weathering in relief on Worland Limestone exposure (109)
Shale bed in Worland Limestone (133)
Hard gray limestone subunit of Worland Limestone (152)
Slab of skeletal micritic limestone from hard gray limestone subunit of Worland Limestone (80)Thin section of hard gray limestone, Worland Limestone (154)
Slab of bioturbated limestone from hard gray limestone subunit of Worland Limestone (86a)
Close-up of lamination and burrow structures in bioturbated limestone slab (86b)
Close-up of grain with laminated coating in bioturbated limestone slab (86c)
Close-up of Crurithyris showing spiralia within shell in bioturbated limestone slab (86d)
Slab of algal limestone from base of Worland Limestone (49a)
Close-up of section A, Worland algal limestone slab (49a1)
Larger close-up of section A, Worland algal limestone slab (49a2)
Close-up of section B, Worland algal limestone slab (49b1)
Larger close-up of section B, Worland algal limestone slab (49b2)
Close-up of section C, Worland algal limestone slab (49c1)
Larger close-up of section C, Worland algal limestone slab (49c2)
Thin section of algal limestone (with sponge) from base of Worland Limestone (138)
Exposure of algal mound and mound flank facies, Worland Limestone (68)Edge of algal mound in Worland Limestone (139)
Upper contact of algal mound limestone, Worland Limestone (67)
Micritic limestone beds lapping onto algal mound facies in Worland Limestone (134)
Close-up of algal mound limestone outcrop, Worland Limestone (135)
Slab of algal mound limestone from lower Worland Limestone (95)
Close-up of algal mound flank facies outcrop, Worland Limestone (71)
Slab of algal mound flank facies of Worland Limestone (83a)
Close-up 1 of algal mound flank facies slab, Worland Limestone (83b)
Close-up 2 of algal mound flank facies slab, Worland Limestone (83c)
Clayey limestone in yellow weathering subunit of Worland Limestone (140)
Fusulinids exposed in yellow weathering subunit of Worland Limestone (56)
Slab of fusulinid limestone from yellow weathering subunit of Worland Limestone (82)
Close-up of fusulinid limestone slab from Worland Limestone (82a)Thin section of yellow-weathering limestone, Worland (155)
Brachiopod Linoproductus in yellow weathering subunit of Worland Limestone (84a)
Close-up of brachiopod Linoproductus in yellow weathering subunit of Worland Limestone (84b)
Echinoid spines and bryozoans in yellow weathering subunit of Worland Limestone (87)
Rooted limestone subunit of Worland Limestone (47)
Root molds (side view) at top of Worland Limestone (45)
Root molds (top of bed) at top of Worland Limestone (46)
Side view of slab with root molds from upper Worland Limestone (66a)Close-up, side view of slab with root molds from upper Worland Limestone (66b)
Top view of slab with root molds from upper Worland Limestone (66c)
Relief at base of Worland Limestone (labeled) (144)Nowata Shale
Lower part of Nowata Shale exposed during construction at I-70 and Hwy N in St. Louis (141)
Pleasanton sandstone exposed during construction at I-70 and Hwy N in St. Louis (143)Modern Sedimentary Environments
Carbonate marsh on lee side of Great Abaco Island, Bahamas (58)
Redeposited limestone clasts, San Salvador Island, Bahamas (62)
Patch reefs next to San Salvador Island, Bahamas (59)
Mud flat and bay, Atlantic coast of Florida (61)
Shell hash beach, Jupiter Island, Florida (63)
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