"A Trilobite Tale"

Trilobite tail found in very hard matrix. Nearly impossible to remove
with hand tools with out breaking the fossil.

Field Rock Saw 1

Field Rock Saw 2

Field Rock Saw 3

Field Rock Saw 4

Once a section is removed … chiseling along the
base of the block, will cause it to break free.


Was it worth the time to cut out a trilobite tail?
It was the largest we have found in this formation.

Trilobite Kaskia osagensis

Kaskia osagensis
Age: Mississippian - Meramecian Series
Warsaw Formation - Jefferson County, Missouri

Lower Mississippian Trilobite Biostratigraphy of the
Central United States, and some New Osagean Species
Journal of Paleontology, 81(4):737-745. 2007
Author: David K. Brezinski

Carl and I often talked about creating a web page which would
demonstrate the step-by-step techniques we use when cutting
out a fossil with the rock saw.

When we spotted this fossil ... I said "The light is perfect and
I brought my camera. You do the work and I'll take the pictures."

We always have fun when we go into the field.
Barry Sutton & Carl Cook

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