Mineralogy of the sedimentary deposits of the Gzhel Quarry section,
Gzhel, Russia

Mineral and elemental determinations by Dr. Yuri V. Yashunsky,
Areogeologia, Moscow.

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Samples were collected on the Gzhel Quarry section by Yuri V.
Yashunsky and Alexander Davydov. Analyses done at the Areogeologia
Institute, Moscow, by Yuri Yashunsky. Mineral composition of
carbonate rock is determined by X-ray spectrographic analysis using
electron beam excitation and clay mineral composition of mud rocks is
determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Optical microscopy examination
reveals that silica (SiO2) occurs as the mineral quartz, including
the microcrystalline form chalcedony.

The mineral content of sediments is dominated by calcite and
dolomite, with small interbeds of clay sediment composed of illite
and smectite (montmorillonite) clays. Units above the
Kasimovian-Gzhelian unconformity contain small amounts of quartz
silica. This is seen in samples as silica replacement of calcitic
shell or as recrystallized sponge spicules. There also are large
masses of chert (chalcedony) in the lower (Kasimovian) part of the

Note the major change in composition across the Kasimovian-Gzhelian
boundary. Strata above the boundary unconformity contain large
amounts of dolomite and a consistent component of silica.

Color code: Calcite content is graphed in gray color, dolomite in
brown color and silica content in blue.

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