Two Sponge holdfasts
found in St. Louis County, MissouriPennsylvanian - images 1-4
Mississippian - image 5
Altamont Formation
St. Louis Louis County, Missouri
Pennsylvanian Sponge holdfastMississippian
Warsaw Formation
St. Louis Louis County, Missouri
Mississippian Sponge holdfastBarry Sutton
Thanks to Steve Pavelsky for the identification
Viewer Comments #1
These are sponge holdfasts. I have one too from the Warsaw fm.
They are not uncommon. Silica/pyrite/marcasite replacement common.
Steve PavelskyViewer Comments #2
Very interesting specimen. Identification as a sponge holdfast
is reasonable. Note the long straight spicules. This is a variant.
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search the Photo Album or the WebBecause the images of the Pennsylvanian specimen are also featured on the
St. Louis Pennsylvanian Fossils of the Altamont Formation
web site, permission is required to use the images in other publications.Barry Sutton