Identifying Some Common Archimedes Bryozoans
All from I-64 / SR 37 road cut, Crawford Co., Indiana.
All but Archimedes laxus
from Indian Springs Shale Member, Big Clifty Fm., Chesterian, Upper Mississippian.
Archimedes. laxus from the Haney Limestone.
These specimens were identified by Alan Goldstein and are in his collection.
Archimedes distans Ulrich
Archimedes invaginatus Ulrich
Archimedes laxus Hall
Archimedes mcfarlani Condra & Elias
Archimedes meekanoides McFarlan
Archimedes sublaxus Ulrich
Very rarely, diverging Archimedes can be found.
These specimens were collected from the same site
and formation of the other specimens above.References:
G. E. Condra & M.K. Elias, 1944, Study and Revision of Archimedes (Hall),
Geological Society of America Special Paper 53.
T. G. Perry & Alan S. Horowitz, 1963, Bryozoans of the Glen Dean Limestone,
Middle Chester of Southern Indiana and Kentucky, Indiana Geological Survey
Bulletin 26.Alan Goldstein
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