Parametacoceras bellatulum Miller & Owen, 1934
nautiloid cephalopod
General abundance: Rare
This specimen was not collected from the Lake Neosho Shale.
It was found on the surface at the ditch level below the exposure.
Exactly where it came from in the exposure is unknown.This specimen was found by Richard Gottfried.
This taxon is very rare at this locality. I have never found one.References:
Parametacoceras bellatulum Miller & Owen, 1934
Sturgeon, Myron T., Windle, Delbert L., Mapes, Royal H., and Hoare, Richard D.
(1997). Bulletin 71, Pennsylvanian Cephalopods of Ohio, State of Ohio, Division
of Geological Survey, Columbus, OHParametacoceras sp.
Fossils of Ohio, Bulletin 70,
Ohio Division of Geological Survey, 1996.
Pages 186 - 187
Phylum Mollusca
chitons cephalopods clams gastropods rostroconchs
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