Abandoned phosphate mines
outskirts of the city of Voskresensk, near village of Lopatino
distance from Moscow: 50 miles
Jurassic, Volgian Stage (J3V2-3)The mines in Lopatino are now closed and the mines are flooded. The refuse piles
are overgrown with grass and trees. However, it is still possible to find ammonites,
bivalves, gastropods, shark teeth, and remains of "sea pangolins".The special feature of this locality is that ammonites are preserved with a variety
of nuances of mother-of-pearl, which covers the shell. These brilliant pieces of
ammonites are encountered in large quantities.
Accessible zones are Jurassic and Cretaceous:
J3V2: Dorsoplanites panderi - Virgatites virgatus - Epivirgatites nikitini
J3V3: Kashpurites fulgens - Craspedites subditus
K1Brs2: Riasanites rjasanensis - Surites tzikwinianus
The road to old phosphorite mines
Old phosphorite mine #14
Old phosphorite mine #14
Alexander Davydov
Kononenko Andrey and Kachalkin Aleksey
The Pictures on this web site are the sole
and personal property of Dr. Alexander Davydov
and Barry Sutton. Unauthorized use of any
picture(s) on this web site is prohibited.
Barry Sutton and Alexander Davydov