Gshelia rouilleri Stuckenberg, 1888

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Gshelia rouilleri Stuckenberg, 1888 Gshelia rouilleri Stuckenberg, 1888


This nice coral shows the opening of the corallite where the coral
polyp lived. The numerous septa radiating inward from the outer
wall were part of the support for the polyp and produce the structure
that makes the coral skeleton strong. There is a nice colony of the
encrusting coral Aulopora on the rugosan coral.

Viewer comments:

There are three major turns in the coral skeleton, that were produced when
the coral fell over and the coral polyp had to change direction of growth
to maintain an upward direction of growth. The first turn shows the corallite
fell over completely on its side. The later turns are only about 45 degree turns.
The Aulopora coral must have colonized the rugosan before the last toppling
event, because it is on the bottom of the coral in its last position on the seafloor.
Below turn number two the corallite shows some nice growth lines that probably
record tidal changes in the ocean.

Tom Yancey

Phylum Cnidaria (corals)
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