Raymond Cave
Raymond Cave is a small beautiful cave in northwestern Kentucky. It is privately owned
and gated to reduce vandalism. This cave has belly crawls and walking passages and a
very deep pit. It has one of most diverse selections of cave speleothems (formations)
you will find anywhere! Stalactites, stalagmites, soda straws, cave popcorn, helictites,
heligmites, drapery/bacon strips, flowstone, etc. The lower level of the cave is encrusted
with bladed crystals of gypsum - from microscopic to more than three inches long!
After a gap of nearly 20 years, I visited this cave in March with some friends. Much
older and more out of shape, this cave was more challenging than when I was in my 20's!
I got pretty muddy and a bit sore using my little-used cave muscles, but overall it wasn't
too bad. I shot over 250 pictures with an Olympus SW770, but less than 40 are really
satisfying to me.
Inconspicuous entrance to Raymond Cave
A line of stalactites - this is a heavily decorated cave!
The cave is well-above the water table. This small pool is from
the heavy rain over the few days before our visit.
Stalactites, stalagmites and columns are common in the upper level of this cave.
A projecting slab of limestone surrounded by stalactites and drapery.
Crenulated bacon strips dripping with water - beautiful spelethems!
Notice the soda straws on the right.Click Here to continue