Adult Mastodon tooth
Rear upper skull tooth (jaw teeth are the lower teeth)
Age: Pleistocene
Locality: Tulsa County, Oklahoma (Arkansas River near Sand Springs, OK)

Mastodon tooth
Mastodon tooth

Mastodon tooth
Mastodon tooth
Mastodon tooth
Mastodon tooth
Mastodon tooth
Mastodon tooth
Mastodon tooth (roots)

Adult Mastodon rear upper skull tooth (jaw teeth are the lower teeth)

The tooth was acquired (years ago) from a friend. He found it buried in gravel just below the water level
in the Arkansas River. Often excellent Pleistocene fossils are found on or near gravel bars. I am sure this
is not the largest Mastodon tooth ever found, however, it is the largest Mastodon tooth that I have ever
seen. The crown is not broken ... Just worn down with age and the large roots are still intact.

Below is a picture taken several years ago of me holding a tooth from an immature Mastodon (left).
The Mastodon tooth was found in 1950 while dredging the Mississippi River near LaGrange, Missouri.
The Mammoth tooth (right) was found in Texas.

Mastodon and Mammoth teeth
Mastodon and Mammoth teeth

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