Theodossia hungerfordi
Lime Creek Formation
Cerro Gordo Member
Rockford, Iowa
Associated fossils on this specimenColony of an auloporid coral and
Spirorbis sp. worm tubes
Viewer Comments: (small spiral gastropod-like fossils)
I am fairly certain they are Spirorbis sp. worm tubes.
See page 539 , National Audubon Society's Field Guide
to N. American Fossils. I am pleased to report that these
tiny, filter feeding tube worms are indeed alive and
well, as I have quite a number of them attached to the
glass and gastropod shells in my aquarium.Phylum Annelida
Class Polychaeta
Order Sabellida
Family SerpulidaeAndrew Dunham
Invertebrate Fossils
Moore, Raymond C., Lalicker, Cedil G., & Fischer 1952
Pages 256-257 fig. 6a, 6b
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