Slab of lithoclastic limestone from conglomerate and limestone unit

Slabbed lithoclastic and skeletal limestone from the conglomerate
and limestone unit. Several single valves and one articulated brachiopod
(just to the right of the large shale clast) are visible. These are embedded
in a matrix of micrite and finely fragmented skeletal material, probably
mostly from calcareous algae. The very light gray and light yellow colors
in the matrix indicate presence of clay. Lithoclasts include grayish green
shale (the larger clast exhibits fissility, so is properly termed shale rather
than claystone) and gray micritic limestone containing very fine skeletal
debris. The limestone clasts appear to be somewhat rounded, in contrast
to the shale clasts, yet shale is softer, hence more easily rounded, than
limestone. This suggests mixing of clasts that have undergone different
histories of erosion and transportation. The somewhat rectangular cleft
in the slab's outline at the lower right shows where another shale clast
had been but disintegrated when the sample was collected.

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